segunda-feira, setembro 07, 2009

Starting to enjoy Nacala..

Today i went with the students and one teacher ( Miss Fátima) to the town´s main square to represent the school in the celebrations of theLusakatreaties and, of course, me and Daiva were there to picture and film the moment!

It was nice! The ceremony was…a tipical ceremony with speech (very long and borring…) and a symbolic gesture of putting flowers in the statue built in the name of thefighters of the colonial war. It was interesting that, although Mozambicans still have bad feelings about the portuguese colonialism ( with reason…) they also said in the speech that also portuguese mothers and families were crying and both the countries suffer during that time.

We came back in the open van of the school and this time I decided to go in the open back with all the students, singing with them and enjoying fresh air in my face!

Students are really nice and curious about “the white girl that is portuguese”J I think im going to do some nice friends here! These kids are amazing!

I came home, Angela made lunch and after a while we went to the beach…my god! I think that I will stay there every single minute that I can! The water is so good that its warmer to stay inside then outside in the towel. There are no waves and the water is blue-greenJ In the end I sow a medusa passing by near my legs and I decided to go out…I really don’t want to play with The children were all the time with us and we were communicating half portuguese half emacua! Hehehe

The beach is safe as long as we go together and we don’t take anything valuable, and if the kids are our friends maybe in some time it will be OK to take the small camera to take some nice pictures to show you!!

We came back and I finish my perfect afternoon with a shower outsideJ This is Mozambiquespirit!:)

Im starting to enter in the ritm of this land and trying to enjoy it in a safe way and in balance with the work I have to do. I decided that I will try to work in the School till lunch, then I come home to work some more in the movies, and then from 15:30 till 17:00 I go to the beach. If I go there im sure that I will never be sad or angry…it’s a magical perfect place that gives me peace. I hope that one day I will be in a place like this with someone very special that is always with me… no matter how far…

2 comentários:

Unknown disse...

:) encontrei o blog por acaso e já está nos favoritos (até apeteceu ir aí dar um mergulho!)

Dani disse...

Oi miga! Tenho saudades tuas! Mas estou contente por ti, vejo que estás feliz e que estás bem. Que paisagens lindas! Faz inveja a qualquer um! Tudo a correr pelo melhor e espero aqui por ti quando regressares! Espero eu e entretanto acompanhada pelo meu Afonso que depois irás conhecer! Não chegas a ver-me grávida! Muitos muitos beijinhos desta tua amiga que não te esquece apesar da distância e do tempo...